Friday 11 February 2011

I'm now starting to create a website for my local newspaper. In order to do this I have researched into local newspapers websites to see what they include and how they layout the websites.
This is an example of 'the news' website which i've been looking at. The website is very basic in order to alloow the users to navigate around it easily and find example what they are looking for. One of the key elements this website seems to have is adverts therefore including them on the website I create for my newspaper is a must.

In order to fill the space in the bottom left hand corner I decided to add a phone number for readers for if they want a more detailed weather forecast, I decided to add this there because the amount of space left isn't enough for an article therefore I decided this is the best solution after looking at newspapers I saw that many have done the same thing. In order to make the banner more interesting and appealing i decided to remove the 'news' banner and stretch out the 'inside' banner to make it larger. I then added whats inside to make the banner have more of a meaning to readers. It also fills in the space that would just be a plain block of colour otherwise and looking at other newspaper none of them seemed to have just random blocks of colour. Therefore this being my final newspaper page.
I've now added another article in the bottom right hand corner, after asking various people about what more was needed on my newspaper to make it look like a professional local newspaper the main feedback I recieved was that there needed to be more picture on the second page. So with this in mind I decided to add a picture to my the bottom right hand corner's article and it makes the page look alot more interesting and means it not just consant text. The other comments that were made on the paper was the white patch in the bottom left hand corner and that it needs filling. Also the banner looks too plain and abit pointless.
I've decided to use this picture on my second page as I feel like it's a good image that will attract the readers attention and looks professional. The image is also focused on Pixie herself.

I've decided to play the picture on the top right hand side of the article box so  it allows me to write the article around it which creates an 'L' shape. I've decided to do this because while looking at local newspaper they seem to do this alot of the time, it also makes the newspaper look alot more interesting instead of having all the articles in the same format.

Thursday 3 February 2011

With the picture and headling now in place, I've started added stories that i've written on the newspaper. I've decided to do the main story in three columns and then adding another article below in on the right to make the paper seem more interesting. I then decided to add a longer story at the bottom. By looking at examples of other local newspaper this one seems to be lacking pictures at the moment which is something i'm going to have to consider with the other articles I'm going to place in.

I decided I was going to add headline 'youtube hit' to go with the picture and to match the article about this band being signed to a major record label. I first of all tried out placing the headling on top of the picture and then changing the font to white but the overall look didn't look right for a typical newspaper and I felt that it made it look more like a front page image. With this in mind I decided to change the font colour to black and place it under the image. After doing this I printed out both copies and asked people for their own opinion on what looked the best to them and the headline being at the bottom was the clear favourite so in conclusion I choose to put the headline under the image.

I've know started adding stories to my front page, I've decided to have my main picture of a band that played in cosham, although the photo was good quality it was slightly wonky so I had to edit it on facebook and gave it a 2% rotate to ensure the stage looked straight. I also cropped the image because the bottom section had alot of stageing on it which would isn't really needed in the photograph and is dead space, this means the consumer reading it still gets the full impact of the picture and realises that the band are the main focus.